Election info

Regularly Scheduled Elections
Each polling place shall be accessible to all individuals with disabilities. The Town of Chase has handicapped-accessible voting machines to allow individuals the ability to cast their own ballot. However, if additional assistance is needed, Elections Officials at the polling location are always willing to help. If you have any accessibility questions or issues with the polling location, please contact the Clerk’s Office at 920-822-1560.
Voter Accessibility
Voter Registration
If you are not registered, or have a name or address change since you last registered, you can register at the Clerk’s Office or by mail (download the application below) before the next election. Once the application is complete, mail to Clerk at 8481 County Road S, Pulaski, WI 54162
Election day, at-the-polls registration is still available for Wisconsin voters, but it’s always better to avoid lines and possible confusion by getting registered ahead of time. Be sure to bring proof of residence. Registration will remain active in Wisconsin if you vote at least once in any four-year period.
Voter Registration (EL-131)
MY VOTE WI WEBSITE – https://myvote.wi.gov/en-us/
Become a Poll Worker
The Clerk’s Office strongly encourages all eligible residents to vote and become involved in the election process. One of the most rewarding ways to do that is to become an Election Day worker. Below are the positions:
Elections Inspector
Election Inspectors are responsible for administering election procedures in each polling place. You will be helping to organize the polling place before the polls open, check that persons are qualified to vote, provide instructions and assistance to voters, assemble returns and close the polling place, and assist in the delivery of election materials to the Clerk’s Office.
Chief Inspector
Performs all duties required of Inspectors while overseeing all processes.
Placed in this status when no appointed position is currently available and remains on the list for future assignment and appointment.
If you are interested in working as an Election Inspector or would like more information; please contact the Clerk at 8481 County Road S, Pulaski, WI 54162 or go to https://elections.wi.gov/node/1012